West - 2014

"My experience at NSTS was one of the highlights of my more than twenty five years of teaching. I emphasise ‘teaching’ because my overriding sense of the two weeks I spent in Misano Adriatico was one of being a part of a remarkable pedagogical experience. The careful selection of Nida professors, faculty, and the associates, together with the careful attention to the structuring of time combined to make this a memorable experience. […] The combination of the coherence provided by the Nida professors across a week, the formal structured contributions of faculty and associates (with time made for discussion around each and every presentation), and the opportunities for structured one-on-one tutorials provided the frame for a unique pedagogy. The programme also included enough ‘down’ time in the lovely surroundings for a truly human dimension to the process. It is the combination of all these elements that makes the NSTS such a remarkable ‘event’."

(Gerald West, Kwa-Zulu Natal -- Nida Professor 2016 & Visiting Faculty 2014)